Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd President of the United States

Warm Springs

historical marker
F.D.R. Deathplace- "Little White House", F.D.R.'s summer home (built 1932), Warm Springs, Georgia
F.D.R.'s original desk, in its original location- where he sat for a portrait on the afternoon of Apr. 12, 1945, when he spoke his last words: "I have a terrific headache" before falling over unconscious

F.D.R.'s original deathbed, in its original location- where he died in office at the age of 63 at 3:35 pm on April 12, 1945

The original Unfinished Portrait of F.D.R.

F.D.R.'s original 1940 Willys Roadster, custom-built to suit his paralysis - Given to him as a present on his 58th birthday
F.D.R.'s original wheelchair & leg braces

F.D.R.'s Swimming Pools, Warm Springs, Georgia
historical marker

"Dowdell's Knob", F.D.R.'s favorite picnic spot, F.D. Roosevelt State Park, near Warm Springs, Georgia
historical marker
F.D.R. Statue, F.D. Roosevelt State Park, near Warm Springs, Georgia

F.D.R.'s original grill, F.D. Roosevelt State Park

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