George W. Bush

43rd President of the United States



Hamilton High School- where Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act on January 8, 2002, in Hamilton (near Cincinnati), Ohio
George W. Bush Statue, Hamilton, Ohio

James A. Garfield

20th President of the United States
(March-September 1881)



James A. Garfield Statue, Cincinnati, Ohio

Benjamin Harrison

23rd President of the United States

North Bend

Birthplace of Benjamin Harrison (site of his grandfather's house), North Bend (near Cincinnati), Ohio
site of "Point Farm"- Benjamin Harrison's Boyhood Home (age 2-17; 1835-50), North Bend, Ohio
Graves of Benjamin Harrison's father (John Scott Harrison) & paternal grandparents (William Henry & Anna Symmes Harrison) - North Bend, Ohio


site of Farmer's College, where Benjamin Harrison attended from 1848-50 in Cincinnati, Ohio before transferring to Miami


Benjamin Harrison attended & graduated from Miami University in Oxford (near Cincinnati), Ohio from 1850-52 
site where Benjamin Harrison & Caroline Scott (born nearby) were married on October 20, 1853, in her parents' home (no longer standing) in Oxford, Ohio

William Henry Harrison

9th President of the United States
(March-April 1841)

North Bend

Tomb of William Henry Harrison (& wife Anna), North Bend (near Cincinnati), Ohio
The 9th President, the First Lady & their son, John Scott Harrison (father of the 23rd President Benjamin Harrison)

site of William Henry Harrison's Home, from 1814 until his Presidency in 1841 - His grandson Benajmin was born here in 1833 - Burned down in 1858


William Henry Harrison Statue, Cincinnati, Ohio

site of Fort Washington, where Harrison was stationed from 1791-98 (age 18-24, serving as Commander of the fort from '95-'98) - Cincinnati, Ohio

Ulysses S. Grant

18th President of the United States

Point Pleasant

historical marker
Birthplace of Ulysses S. Grant, Point Pleasant (near Cincinnati), Ohio


Georgetown (near Cincinnati), Ohio

Ulysses S. Grant's Boyhood Home (age 1-17; 1823-39), Georgetown, Ohio
historical marker

Ulysses S. Grant Statue, Georgetown, Ohio

Ulysses S. Grant's schoolhouse, where he attended classes from 1829-35 (age 7-13), Georgetown, Ohio

William Howard Taft

27th President of the United States



William Howard Taft Birthplace & Boyhood Home (to age 17; 1857-74), Cincinnati, Ohio
historical marker
Taft's childhood bedroom - It is alleged that he was born in this room.
Taft's original Bible on which he took the Oath of Office for both President (in 1909) and Chief Justice (1921)
Taft's original Cabinet chair, which he used from 1904-08 while serving as Teddy Roosevelt's Secretary of War

Taft attended & graduated from Woodward High School in Cincinnati, Ohio from 1870-74 

Taft attended Cincinnati Law School (now the University of Cincinnati College of Law), graduating in 1880 -                     He later served as Dean of the school from 1897 to 1900

site where William Howard Taft & Helen "Nellie" Herron were married on June 19, 1886, at her parent's home (no longer standing) on Pike Street in Cincinnati, Ohio

"The Quarry"- First home of William & Nellie Taft, where they lived from 1886-90Cincinnati, Ohio

portico where Taft accepted the Republican nomination for President on July 28, 1908-
now the Taft Museum of Art (formerly his half-brother's home), Cincinnati, Ohio
historical marker