William Howard Taft

27th President of the United States



William Howard Taft Birthplace & Boyhood Home (to age 17; 1857-74), Cincinnati, Ohio
historical marker
Taft's childhood bedroom - It is alleged that he was born in this room.
Taft's original Bible on which he took the Oath of Office for both President (in 1909) and Chief Justice (1921)
Taft's original Cabinet chair, which he used from 1904-08 while serving as Teddy Roosevelt's Secretary of War

Taft attended & graduated from Woodward High School in Cincinnati, Ohio from 1870-74 

Taft attended Cincinnati Law School (now the University of Cincinnati College of Law), graduating in 1880 -                     He later served as Dean of the school from 1897 to 1900

site where William Howard Taft & Helen "Nellie" Herron were married on June 19, 1886, at her parent's home (no longer standing) on Pike Street in Cincinnati, Ohio

"The Quarry"- First home of William & Nellie Taft, where they lived from 1886-90Cincinnati, Ohio

portico where Taft accepted the Republican nomination for President on July 28, 1908-
now the Taft Museum of Art (formerly his half-brother's home), Cincinnati, Ohio
historical marker

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